Oral conscious sedation is one of the best ways to get necessary dental treatments without feeling stressed. Many people with severe dental fears and phobias receive oral sedation during their dental visits. This way, you’ll still be conscious during any procedure, but you will be much more relaxed.
If you’re interested in oral conscious sedation or other forms of twilight dentistry, we recommend reaching out to one of the professionals at Dental By Design to request an appointment. But, if you have some general questions about the process and procedure, keep reading this helpful guide of frequently asked questions!
Does Dental Sedation Make Treatment Painless?
Dental sedation isn’t the same as anesthesia, but it can help you relax and even numb some of the pain. But, you may still require other pain relief forms during your appointment. This depends on the type of treatment you need. For something like a routine cleaning, dental sedation is likely enough.
But, if you’re getting a slightly more intense procedure, our general dentistry team might recommend some other pain relief options.
What Type of Dental Sedation Do You Give Your Patients?
At Dental by Design, we have a few different options for dental sedation. Here’s a bit of information about each:
- Conscious Sleep Sedation (or Oral Sedation): With this option, you’ll take medication before your appointment to ease your anxiety.
- IV Sedation: IV sedation is the deepest sedation option and works best for people with severe phobias, dental anxiety, or physical difficulty sitting still.
Contact us today for more information about the different types of cessation we offer.
Is Oral Sedation Safe?
While oral sedation involves using a pill to help you relax, it’s a generally very safe option. We will discuss your health history and any other medications you take to ensure it’s a good option for you.
How Do People Develop Dental Anxiety?
There are many reasons why people might develop dental anxiety. For children, going to the dentist might seem scary or stressful, even if they’ve never had a bad experience.
For teens and adults, past painful experiences can make them feel leery of the dentist. And, others may have underlying conditions or issues that make dental treatment uncomfortable.
Do I Need To Miss Work Or School?
The answer to this question depends on the type of sedation you receive. If you have nitrous oxide treatments, you will likely be just fine to return to work or school. For oral conscious sedation, it might take a little longer to stop feeling groggy. So, for this, you’ll likely need someone to drive you home.
Does Dental Sedation Have Side Effects?
There are some potential side effects. For nitrous oxide, they’ll usually go away within a few hours. For conscious oral sedation, the side effects can last up to 24 hours. If you notice any severe reactions, contact a doctor right away.
Does Dental Sedation Put Me To Sleep?
At Dental by Design, our family dentistry professionals provide oral sedation options. You’ll still be conscious during the procedure, but you may fall asleep if you get relaxed enough. However, you won’t be “put under,” and you will be able to wake up if roused.
What Happens After Dental Sedation Is Used and the Treatment Is Finished?
After our treatment at our dental office is done, we will ensure you are feeling good and aren’t having any side effects. We will ensure you can drive yourself home or have a ride to get you home safely. We will also talk to you about any aftercare instructions.
What Happens If I Avoid The Dentist?
Avoiding the dentist can be risky. Even with a perfect home routine of brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash, your home toothbrush can’t get all of the bacteria left behind daily.
Without regular dental cleanings or checkups, you could end up with long-term and potentially dangerous health issues such as gum disease or periodontitis. You could also have undiscovered cavities or worn teeth, or end up losing teeth due to neglect of a dental problem you didn’t realize you had.
It’s much safer if you visit a dentist at least once a year for a professional cleaning and checkup so you can treat any minor issues before they become major problems.
For More Information, Call Dental by Design Today!
If fears of the dentist are keeping you from good oral healthcare, conscious sleep or IV sedation could be the right answer for you. Dental by Design provides compassionate dental care to patients in and around Phoenix, Arizona. Call us today to learn more!